Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Independantly a Democrat

I will be adding to this post considering that politics has encouraged me to hate politics more than I already hate it. Therefore, I will be on this blog more consistently. I am not a democrat but I will not vote republican this time around just as I did not vote republican last time around.

Republicans and Democrats

Fuck them both. Both the Democrats and Republicans are a rediculous form of human emotion that has somehow gathered together like a disgusting breed of mold that loves to infest every possible surface available.

I already watched the Democratic National Convention and laughed at the humor in Hillary's speech. How the fuck could Obama bring change to this nation by bringing back the Clinton family to the Whitehouse? Thank the good Lord that Obama chose Biden.

Now I am listening to Former Senator Fred Thompson talk of about how amazing McCain was as a POW in Vietnam. This bald headed white man with skin tinted orange, talks ignorantly of the Democratic Party and all that Obama had spoken of during his speech at Invesco Field.

Shortly after his lame ignorant jabs at the Democrats he speeks of McCain's hardships as a POW. The crowd; who resembles a number of old civil war veterans and wealthy elitist's with the look of human pig's that remind me of of the book, "Animal Farm," seem to plague the screen like disgusting cockroaches holding a rally inside of Obama's kitchen.

These people are a lost breed of of roaches that you look at with a sense of dispair. You know it is only a matter of time before the spray these desperate bugs with an inescapable poison of evolution. It is like watching the last few members of a nearly extinct species.

It was first apparent when hearing Obama's speech. McCain was squashed out that night. There is no topping that speech or the energy felt all across the globe that day. I felt it like the uncertainty of a mushroom trip that has barely begun to take hold.

Mr. Fred Thompson talks about a form of liberalism that is inecscusable to the progress of America as if what he is talking about makes any sense at all. This poor old bastard is probably young enough to be McCain's grandson and he he looks as old as Rush Limbough. The people cheer and laugh at this poor bastard as he makes metaphors about democrats, that only farmers and ranchers would make about cows.

Watching this disgusts me as I hear some random Republicn scream, "Yeah!!!!" far louder than any other person in the crowd. Who is this sorry soul that sounds so desperate to be heard that he has nothing more to say than, "Yeah!" It is the same familiar yell that must have come from the same person over and over again. I hate that person.

As the old 50's song that's lyrics go, "Go Johnny go!"; akward white souls dance desperately like deaf people trying to find a beat. Forget the music next time. Play the "Chicken Dance," you probabaly can't go wrong with that song. Please don't bring freedom of creativity to these people. Freedom of creativity will kill the republican party faster than the tumer on McCain's face will kill McCain.

Now Sen. Joe Lieberman is speaking to people as a liberal would. Telling the masses about how dangerous the spirit of a party is to the American people. Why the fuck would you be speaking at the RNC when you can say that party love is going to kill this country. Well Mr. Lieberman, Why dont you just cut the juggulars of this country you piece of shit. If Party support is killing this country, than you did nothing more than add alcohol to the blood stream of a bleeding soul.

Still, all I hear is some douchebag out in the audience that keeps yelling, "Yeah! Yeah! yeah!" and I know it is the same person that I heard previously. Who is this asshole? Who is this annoying prick. He is probably a Democrat trying to annoy people from ever siding with the Republicans.

Sen. Joe Lieberman looks similar to Alfred E. Newman put into a timelapse.

Let's get real about McCain. He is as outdated as a fossilized dinosoaur is to dinosaurs.

I watched Obama's speech and I was inspired. I watched the Republican National Convention and all I could think of was a moldy version of Comedy Central's Roast of Obama. I am officially disgusted by the republican party and I hope they dance all night to a beat that just doesnt exist, like deaf people dancing to nothing. I have seen few things more awkward than this, and still; all I can hear is this one idot in the crowd yelling, "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!."

The Republican Party is as sorry and desperate as a rally for Clinton. And Please, I know that I am an Independant, but please Mr. Lieberman, don't ever call me your independant ever again. You are nothing more than an aged timelapse of Alfred E Newman. Fuck You. Fuck all you politicians for that matter. The only thing that can possibly change this country is a change that even Obama can't bring.

Now I hear George W. Bush put his two sense in for Republicans. Thats like asking Adolf Hitler to speak about the Jewish Religion. Maybe thats a little dramatic but still far less dramatic than the assholes that spoke tonight.

Hello everybody! My name is Nicholas Seckar and I am currently attending Colorado State University in Pueblo and I plan to graduate with a Mass Communications Major with an emphasis in New Media.

To start off, the reason why I created this blog was for an assignment in one of my classes. That class is called, "Interactive Media and Interface Design." However, I must say that I have always wanted to create a blog... so I guess this is a good time to do it.

What is Interactive Media?

My definition is simple... Interactive Media is any form of technology that is responsive to the users level of interaction. The level of interaction can be anything from a simple television remote, all the way to a complicated video game with amazing innovations of Artificial Intelligence. At any rate of interactivity, Interactive Media is something that is very amazing and always changing at a very high rate of speed.