Friday, November 30, 2007

Hunter S. Thompson udate on wikipedia

I edited the intorduction to Hunter S. Thompson's page on wikipedia. I thought that what was said didn't really do justice to him and in some way's defamed his style of journalism while saying that he promoted drug use. He did not advocate drug use and in fact he once said, "I hate to advocate drug's alcohol, violence or insanity to anyone; but they've always worked for me." So with respect to his lifestyle, I felt it important to change the introduction.

Norman and Porter

I didn't necessarily understand what tea pots had to do with website and other interface design's. For the first time I made sense of the old saying, "What's that got to do with the price of tea in London." Now I get it though. An ugly website that is designed well might just be better than the beuatiful website that is designed poorly. This brings me to another age old quote, "Don't judge a book by it's cover." So as all that made sense to me I think that there must be a balance that is achieved because people will judge a book by it's cover. They will do the same for a website.

In response to Steve Krug

I think that Steve Krug's chapter on how people view websites is right on. I don't care to know how a web site works and I don't have the time to figure it out. For the most part I do not care and I all that I want is the content that I am there for. I don't think that people think about the design of their websites in that way. For the most part I think that people will not consider these important truths while they design their websites.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

New OSX Leopard

I saw the OSX promotional video and I am just not impressed. It was nice but it wasn't the leap foreward that I would like to see. I wnt to see touch screen interfaces with 3D icons. Just kidding. I believe that it looks nice and has some very cool features but after the iPhone came out I wanted to see something amazing. I wanted to see something that was out of the ordinary. I guess that is the problem with expectations.

Interactive Movies

I believe that a truly interactive movie is a long way down the road. I think it must combine two things: videogames and movies. In the Grand Theft Auto concept, a user can have freedom to do whatever they want to do. In a movie, you watch the story that was pre-planned go out. Like what was said in the article, there isn't any feasable way to deal with the storage issues and everything that would be required to support the space required. There are many ways that a movie can go about trying to make an interactive movie. Most of them come to very familiar turning points and endings. It is like the fateful idea that no matter what you do, you will always face your destiny. This isn't that interactive but I guess it is a step towards total interactivity.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

XBOX 360

Here is a link to my XBOX 360 Power Point Presentation:

Power Point XBOX 360

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Aesthetic's can play a major role in the way that a user percieves almost every type of product. The way that a product looks or how it is designed, can not only be visually appealing, but it can also be emotionally applealing. anytime that people have to use a form of technology, people have very short fuses before they end up frustrated and enraged for various reason's.

A major role in the aesthetic design's on a website help soothe the user on an emotional level, to help them along the way. It is very easy to close a website and find a new one. So another role that aesthetic's is involved in is for advertising purposes. The better the site looks, the more respect the site is going to have from random visitors.

The aesthetic design in the product is very crucial for the success of the website. An excellent working website with horrible aesthetic appeal will not get much respect in the long run. Web desgners might say that it is an amazing website but the average person would hate it. They would never return again. Why would they? If it doesn't look good, it must not be good.

Either way, the aesthetic design of any product has a drastic effect on the success that a website or any other product has. It is an ingrained human trait that makes it that way. Certain median's are found in common aesthetic's that the masses of human's all seem to say are good.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Term Paper Thesis

Artificial Intelligence is basically the brain of the computer and it's purpose is to enhance the interactivity of our computer's and their applications for our entertainment and our lives; the social impact's of this are both good and bad.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Interface Design

Interface Design is the designed structure of some form of interactive media that is created with the intentions of getting the user to return. the innerface is a design that helps interactivity of a computer application.

Hello everybody! My name is Nicholas Seckar and I am currently attending Colorado State University in Pueblo and I plan to graduate with a Mass Communications Major with an emphasis in New Media.

To start off, the reason why I created this blog was for an assignment in one of my classes. That class is called, "Interactive Media and Interface Design." However, I must say that I have always wanted to create a blog... so I guess this is a good time to do it.

What is Interactive Media?

My definition is simple... Interactive Media is any form of technology that is responsive to the users level of interaction. The level of interaction can be anything from a simple television remote, all the way to a complicated video game with amazing innovations of Artificial Intelligence. At any rate of interactivity, Interactive Media is something that is very amazing and always changing at a very high rate of speed.